January 31, 2007
iPod Cozy (Updated)
Mmm buttons.
So I wanted to put a button on my cozy and remove the super-long cord/ribbon that I used to tie it closed with.
Written by
Seema Persaud
4:51 p.m.
Labels: completed project, knitting
January 30, 2007
WIP: Basketweave Pencil Case (update)
I know I can still work with it but still. =S Is this supposed to happen? Hmm...
Written by
Seema Persaud
3:22 p.m.
Labels: knitting, work in progress
January 28, 2007
WIP: Basketweave Pencil Case
Written by
Seema Persaud
8:15 p.m.
Labels: knitting, work in progress
Nintendo DS Lite Case
The softest acrylic you could find
My brother has a lovely Nintendo DS and asked me to knit him a case. There was no way I could refuse a chance to work on my purls.
Note: I have yet to take a picture of ze finished project.
Written by
Seema Persaud
8:14 p.m.
Labels: completed project, knitting
Recycled Silk Scarf
Because I couldn't refuse a good cause
Our school held a Fair Trade day where they sold goodies that would help out those in need. There were knitted items, hand-made cards, jewellry, and yes, you guessed it, yarn.
As I was scanning a table my eyes grew wide as I saw colours upon colours wound together. I looked at the skeins of yarn in amazement. Realizing that I really didn't know how to knit well, I moved on but came back, asking the price and what it was. To me it looked like the colours of India - rich and beautiful with no colour missing. It turns out that it was recycled silk - made from the scraps of saris in Nepal. Wow I thought.
I left the tables of the day aching for the yarn that I didn't bother to get but I did have a pamphlet telling me where to get some. And so, my friend and I set out to the International Boutique ready to get me some yarn. And so I did.
One of the volunteers running the cash showed me a shawl she was knitting on big needles out of it and even though I hadn't knit much, I decided to take one skein. I'd make it into a skinny scarf, knit tightly so that I could see the colours flow.
I took it home and decided I would tackle it after exams had ended. Before my exams had finished I attempted to wind it into a ball but the mess that followed was simply unbelievable. I somehow managed to get it tangled beyond belief. It killed me to see it like that. I put it away for a week or two, unable to bear the eughness of it.
On New Year's Eve I sat in my room and untangled. And untangled s'more. And s'more. And s'more.
Written by
Seema Persaud
7:25 p.m.
Labels: completed project, knitting
Mother of Purl
At the time I didn't add a button and so instead used red cord that would tie it but I think I'm going to change it soon to a button.
It was my first attempt at purling and I must say, stockinette stitch looks so professional.
Hopefully in the morning when I remove the cord, add a button and take a picture, it will look less like my iPod is suffering from albino.
Written by
Seema Persaud
7:17 p.m.
Labels: completed project, knitting
Gryffindor Scarf
Being a fan of Harry Potter and all, I could simply not live without a Gryffindor scarf. Even here in the muggle world I had an urge to share my love for magic and so I decided that I'd have to get a scarf. The only scarves I could find were online and beyond my budget and so it occurred to me one day, "I must learn to knit!"
I bought the yarn back when Lewiscraft was still around to bring some d.i.y. to the malls one cold October in 2005. I intended on getting it done for Hallowe'en but that was not the case. In fact, the yarn sat in my room until March of 2006 when I realized that I really had to get around to using the yarn. That same March, my family decided to drive to Florida for Spring Break and so I borrowed Lisa's lovely copy of Stitch 'n Bitch and kept at it until I could knit. I came back from the trip ready to show my pals my scarf but ... no. It appeared that instead of making a scarf I had made some sort of strange sweater or bag but not a scarf. I had increases and dropped stitches all over the place. I decided that as painful as it was, I'd have to rip it all out.
Desperate to get my scarf underway I found how-t0-knit videos on D.I.Y network online and tried and tried until I got it. Half way through the Gryffindor scarf (which I was making up as I went) I ran out of yarn. Ahem. So much for that.
I began university in the fall and my friends were going to dress up. I thought that I might as well do this whole Gryffindor thing. I went out to the closest place I could find with yarn - sadly, Wal-mart - and found the closest match to the yarn I had and knit away until the wee hours of Hallowe'en.
Robe? Check.
Wand? Check.
Badge? Check.
Scarf? Check.
It was good times. From there, my love for knitting began.
Written by
Seema Persaud
6:40 p.m.
Labels: completed project, knitting
I'm going to post random things that I've done over the past while and hopefully I'll continue my knitting, scrapbooking and random other things to fill the Internet with my lovely little junk. (Check it out! - Ahem. Not that I listen to Black Eyed Peas or anything.) It'll be my crafting diary that I'll use to track my progress and eventually, I expect to see amazing things on here. (We're talking years from now.)
Ta ta.
Written by
Seema Persaud
6:34 p.m.